Current docker image: nillion/verifier:v1.0.1

Updating Verifiers

How do I migrate my verifier from the old accuser (for users with registered verifiers before 24th Sept 2024)?

Verifier General Qs

I get “registration failed” error when registering my verifier in the UI

Why is my verifier in a “sleeping” state?

What does the output from my verifier in my terminal mean?

How does my verifier decide which blocks to check for secrets?

What if I have run more than one verifier against my Keplr address?

How do I migrate my verifier to a new host?

My verifier cannot find my registration.

Running the image shows: “docker: Error response from daemon: create .nillionaccuser”

ETH staking

Why can I now only connect MetaMask?

What does it mean to stake ETH against my secrets or my verifier?

Where can I see amount I have staked on Etherscan?

I cannot withdraw my ETH from the frontend, what should I do?

Where can I review the smart contracts?

My browser wallet is showing -0 when I withdraw ETH